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Car Accidents

Hospital Bills after an Accident:  Is the Lien Valid? 

After being seriously hurt in an accident and receiving medical care, the provider – like a hospital – can file a lien against you or any accident-related claim you have initiated. A hospital lien is basically a claim that a...

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Self-Driving Cars: Potential Liability Issues 

Self-driving cars are expected to hit U.S. roadways in large numbers by 2020. Given that human error causes more than 9 in every 10 auto accidents,1 some expect self-driving cars to prevent auto wrecks and save lives. In all likelihood,...

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5 Signs that You Should Speak to a Lawyer after a Car Wreck

Contacting an attorney after a car accident can help you understand your rights, the value of your claim, and your options for financial recovery. It is vitally important to have an experienced professional on your side as you move forward...

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Five Things Personal Injury Attorneys Can Do To Help Car Wreck Victims

Representation following a car wreck can help ease your physical and financial recovery.  If you were in a car wreck and received medical treatment paid by health insurance or it is still owed to a hospital, you may be liable...

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