Houston Offshore Injury Lawyer

Workers on fishing boats, oil platforms and offshore vessels must ply their trades in some of the most dangerous environments. For these workers, the odds of suffering an offshore injury are often extremely high. When workers endure an offshore injury, they often face physical, mental and financial stress. The attorneys at the Amaro Law Firm work with injured workers to ensure that employers meet their obligations to cover the costs associated with the recovery process.

Workers who suffer offshore injuries can be entitled to compensation for their injuries, suffering, and losses. Here’s why and what you should do after suffering an offshore injury.

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Causes of Offshore Injury

The dangers of offshore work are too numerous to list in the space we have available. While some offshore injury cases can be attributed to accidents, employer negligence can often be a contributing factor in such accidents. A few of the causes of offshore injury can include:

    • Falling equipment
    • Slips and falls
    • Explosions and Fires
    • Toxic chemical exposure
    • Heavy loads
    • Broken decks
    • Drilling accidents
Types of Offshore Injury
Questions in Offshore Injury Cases
Awards from Offshore Injury Lawsuits
Know Your Rights in an Offshore Injury Lawsuit