Houston Asbestos Injury Lawyer

Asbestos is a heat-resistant mineral with long and thin fibers that can be spun and woven. With its extreme durability, it has many industrial uses but unfortunately, is also an extremely dangerous, injury-causing substance. If you or a loved one have been exposed to asbestos and believe that your present illness is due to someone else’s negligence, protect your legal rights, and contact an experienced lawyer today. At Amaro Law Firm an attorney is ready to meet with you, examine all aspects of your case and determine whether we can help safeguard your rights.

The danger from asbestos is due to its fibers which are easily inhaled by people who work in environments or occupations where the material is present. Some of the diseases caused from asbestos exposure include mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer, and asbestosis. Our law firm, with 22 years of practice and experience, has represented countless people in their personal injury suits involving employer and manufacturer negligence in many types of injuries and illnesses including asbestos-related illnesses and wrongful deaths. If retained by you, we will fight to protect your rights and help you recover compensation for the costs associated with your claim, such as medical bills, lost wages and your pain and suffering. You deserve to recover the maximum financial compensation possible for your hardship and with our tenacity and thoroughness; we are the firm to help you do it!

Although the dangers of asbestos were documented as early as the 1930’s and 1940’s, its use rose to a high point in the 1970’s and no meaningful safeguards were put into place in work environments until 1980. With a 20 to 50 year latency period before symptoms of the diseases occur, the U.S. today is experiencing an epidemic of asbestos-related illnesses and deaths. Rest assured that we pledge to do all that is possible to help establish that your illness was caused by asbestos exposure and that the responsible party failed to provide a safe place for you to work.

Asbestos is a toxic mineral used in many products. When asbestos exposure causes mesothelioma, we can help you determine who’s at fault so you can hold them liable and recover.

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