Wrongful Death

When a death occurs due to the negligence, recklessness or maliciousness of another, this is termed a wrongful death. There are many ways in which such a tragic event may take place and these can occur at home, at work, during recreational activities or under any other circumstances. They can involve car accidents, motorcycle accidents, drunk driving accidents, construction accidents, maritime accidents, pedestrian accidents and slip & falls. Cases involving premises liability, product liability or pharmaceutical litigation may all be addressed as wrongful death claims if the victim lost his or her life.

If you have suffered the devastating loss of a loved one under these circumstances, consult with a lawyer. Although no amount of money can make up for losing your loved one, obtaining compensation can help you care for your family. This can give you time to take care of yourself and concentrate on piecing your life back together without being distracted by any financial pressures you are now facing. It may help with the healing process to have the responsible party held accountable and some measure of justice served. On a larger scale, this can help to enforce higher safety standards and a greater level of care, thus protecting others from suffering the same fate.

Fighting for Justice Following Your Loss

The attorneys at Amaro Law Firm are sensitive to the fact that this is a tremendously difficult time for you and will always treat you with the utmost consideration and respect. We hold memberships in the Texas Trial Lawyers Association, Houston Trial Lawyers Association and the American Association for Justice and are committing to fighting for just outcomes for our clients. We charge no fee if we do not recover compensation on your behalf.