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Premises Liability

How Texas Courts Determine Liability in Personal Injury Lawsuits

Fault is a lynchpin in personal injury cases, impacting who is liable for the harm and damages caused by an accident and how much compensation the victims are entitled to receive. When questions of fault and liability arise in these...

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How Long Does a Personal Injury Case Take in Texas?

Personal injury cases can last months or years, depending on a number of different factors. Typically, the more complex a case is, the longer it may take to resolve. The following points out the top seven factors that tend to...

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Common Types of Premises Liability Accidents & Claims

Premises liability is the legal responsibility a property owner may have when unsafe conditions at the property cause accidents and injuries. Various incidents and accidents can give rise to premises liability claims, with some of the most common types featured...

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What is Premises Liability?

Premises liability refers to a property owner’s civil liability for conditions or activities on the premises, or physical property location.  How does a premises liability claim arise?  The duty owed by the owner of the property depends on the status...

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