(713) 352-7975

James Amaro

What Should I Do If a Tow Truck Damages My Vehicle in Texas?

Here Are the Important Steps to Take After a Tow Truck Damages Your Car Moving and storing vehicles are central operations of the towing industry. In fact, whether you or someone else arranges to have your vehicle towed, it should...

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Can Truck Drivers Be Fired for Causing Accidents?

Truckers Can Be Fired After Crashes, But They May Not Be. Here’s Why. Yes, causing a wreck can be grounds for motor carriers to fire truckers or terminate contracts with independent contractors (ICs). In fact, a single 18-wheeler wreck can...

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What Is the “Duty to Inspect” & Why Is It Important?

Motor Carriers & Truckers Have a Duty to Inspect 18-Wheelers. Here’s Why & Why It Matters After Wrecks The “duty to inspect” refers to the obligation truckers and motor carriers have to routinely inspect big rigs for any potential mechanical...

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New Federal Program Testing Interstate Trucking for Drivers18-to-20-Years-Old

A Pilot Program for Younger Interstate Truckers Is Now Underway. Here’s Why It’s Raising Both Praise & Concern. Federal regulators are operating a pilot study to evaluate the potential benefits versus risks of letting 18, 19, and 20 year olds...

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