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Amaro Law Firm 2023 Scholarship Awarded to Sugar Land Graduate Attending MSU

2023 Scholarship Winning Check

Proud to continue our mission of growth and betterment, the Amaro Law Firm is delighted to announce this year’s winner of our annual scholarship contest — Kassandra Jalayne Kee.

Chosen from a large pool of submissions, Kassandra won our 2023 scholarship award not only for her well-written essay entry but also for her demonstrated accomplishments, ambition, and passion. We invite you to: 

Update (March 2024): We also encourage you to check out the details for our 2024 Scholarship Contest that will open for submissions on April 15, 2024.

About the 2023 Scholarship Contest

The 2023 scholarship program at the Amaro Law Firm requested submissions from local college-bound graduates, asking them to expound on the meaning of success. As part of the prompt, candidates were also asked to:

  • Explain what success means to them.
  • Describe how they will embody success in the future.
  • Create a written essay or a video submission.

Similar to years past, our 2023 scholarship program focused on this theme of “success.” This was no accident. 

Amazed by past submissions on the same topic, including our 2022 scholarship winner, we chose a similar prompt for 2023 because we recognize how defining success can be integral to fueling a lifelong passion for achievement and growth. That can lead to extraordinary personal development that benefits individuals and their communities.

The 2023 scholarship award was $5,000 USD, the same as in 2022. We announced our 2023 winner on August 15th.

Our 2023 Scholarship Winner: Kassandra J. Kee

From Sugar Land, Texas, Kassandra Jalayne Kee graduated from George Ranch High School in Richmond, TX, in Spring 2023. During her high school career, Kassandra excelled in academics, sports, and extracurriculars. 

Kassandra Kee, 2023 Amaro Law Firm Scholarship Winner Earning top grades and enviable test scores, Kassandra was also a formidable volleyball setter and a diligent track athlete, participating in discus and shot put. 

Outside of high school, Kassandra became a “Gold Award Girl Scout,” earning the organization’s highest level of recognition that’s reserved for a select few who complete a rigorous project while meeting several excellence standards. 

Kassandra has also volunteered hundreds of hours at a local veterinary clinic, gaining invaluable hands-on experience that crystallized her career aspirations.

Now, Kassandra is enrolled at Mississippi State University (MSU), studying veterinary medicine. Passionate about her family and caring for animals, Kassandra is a true embodiment of success, and the Amaro Law Firm is proud to support her journey to achieve even more in the future. 

A Look at the Scholarship-Winning Submission

Excerpts from Kassandra’s award-winning essay are featured below. 

To me, success means nothing if I was the only person who benefitted from it, and success does not have to be a huge milestone. In order to become successful, you cannot do it alone.

Learning how to fail and overcome adversity in your adult life will lead to many triumphs and reasons to celebrate. While the loss may seem big at the time, everything will work out in the end through hard work and dedication. 

As I go through becoming a veterinarian, every single animal I save will be a success. Whether the surgery is minor like a small mass removal or a much larger issue such as dog getting hit by a car and needing lifesaving surgery, every life saved is a success that will be celebrated, each and every time. 

Success is not just handed to a person. It takes years of hard work to possibly even build up to a single moment that has been the primary goal for the past couple years. Take time to remember that when you look back on how you played out your life, success should be seen everywhere, not just the one major event. Celebrate the little progress even if it may not be ideal at the time. The people you helped along the way are the reason you can say you are successful, so do not forget about them as you continue to rise to the top. The only way to go is up, keep climbing. 

Congratulations, Kassandra! The Amaro Law Firm is honored to be part of your success story, and we look forward to seeing all of your great achievements in the future.

Video Interview with Our 2023 Scholarship Winner

Watch Kassandra talk about her experiences, the scholarship, and what winning means to her in the short video below.