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Feeling Sick After a Truck Accident? You Might Be Suffering from an Injury

Feeling Sick After a Truck Accident? You Might Be Suffering from an Injury

We often picture injuries as being visibly noticeable, such as lacerations, bruising of the skin, or burns. However, not all wounds are visible to the naked eye, which is why it is imperative to always get checked out by a doctor after an accident. Even if you think you feel okay at first, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting could show up days or weeks after a truck accident. These signs could be your body’s way of telling you that you are suffering from a severe injury.

Are You Feeling Nauseous or Vomiting After Experiencing a Truck Accident?

It is not uncommon for victims to feel queasy or experience vomiting after surviving a truck accident. Collisions with trucks are usually highly traumatic events that result in severe injuries. Understandably, the stressful nature of these events often triggers anxiety symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

However, in some cases, your symptoms could be caused by something more than just nerves. Feeling sick after experiencing an accident could be a sign that something more serious is going on with your body. Nausea and vomiting after a collision with a truck could allude to:

  • Whiplash: One of the most common injuries in motor vehicle accidents is whiplash, a rapid back and forth whipping motion of a person’s head that results in severe neck and back strain. Vertigo and dizziness have also been reported in 25-50% of whiplash cases.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI): When a person’s head is violently snapped back and forth, it can cause the brain to strike the interior walls of the skull. This trauma to the brain can cause bruising or permanent damage with lifelong effects.
  • Concussion: Concussions are mild traumatic brain injuries that are closely associated with nausea and vomiting. Other signs that you could be suffering from a concussion are headache, poor balance, amnesia, fatigue, and confusion.
  • Fracture: Broken bones cause intense pain that can trigger nausea and vomiting as well as lethargy and general feelings of sickness.
  • Tear in a ligament, muscle, or tendon: Damage to soft tissues is typical in truck accidents and can cause internal pain and inflammation that can cause a person to become sick as a reaction to the pain.
  • Internal bleeding: A ruptured, punctured, or lacerated internal organ can present itself as bruising, nausea, or vomiting.

Many of these injuries can be life-threatening if they remain untreated, so if you are suffering from feelings of nausea or are vomiting after a wreck, seek medical attention right away.

Always get checked out by a medical professional after any kind of vehicle accident. Crashes are traumatic events that usually trigger the body to pump adrenaline and go into a fight-or-flight response. This sudden flood of adrenaline and other hormones meant to put you into survival mode could temporarily mask the pain of internal injuries. Unfortunately, this natural reaction could have you feeling physically fine for days after an accident, only for illness symptoms and writhing pain to cause you intense suffering later on.

Even if you have already seen a medical specialist and they did not see any injuries, you will still need to return for a secondary exam to make sure your symptoms of illness are not related to a truck accident injury. Soft tissue injuries do not appear on X-rays, so even if you have already undergone an X-ray, you could still have latent injuries lurking beneath the surface.

Your health and wellbeing should always come first, but once your condition is stable and you are in a position to do so, you may choose to seek legal counsel to explore your options for recovering damages.