Trucking Accidents

Truck Accidents on Icy Roads: Who’s Responsible?

Ice, sleet, and snow can be deadly on the roads, especially for massive 18-wheelers. That’s because icy roads and winter weather can pose unique challenges for truckers, other motorists, and even road maintenance crews. And it’s likely why roughly 1...

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Texas & the Deadliest Dozen in Truck Wrecks: Experts Urge Congress to Take Action

Texas and 11 other states lead the nation in fatal 18-wheeler accidents, and those Deadliest Dozen slightly changed this year, according to safety experts at the Truck Safety Coalition (TSC). Updating their report on the “Worst Fatal Truck Crash States,”...

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For Truckers: Can AI Prevent Drowsy Driving?

Roughly 1 in 8 semi-truck accidents involves driver fatigue. That’s according to federal authorities, who deem drowsy driving to be as dangerous as drunk driving. Looking to try to address this by leveraging the power of artificial intelligence (AI), new technology...

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Can Driverless Trucks Reduce Wrecks & Improve Safety in the Permian Basin?

Yes — that’s the answer a couple of companies are now banking on after the first successful run of driverless trucks transporting frac sand across the West Permian Basin. At the center of this venture are Kodiak Robotics, a provider...

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