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Insurance Claims

Damages Available in a Bad Faith Insurance Claims in Texas 

Bad faith insurance claims can result in various types of damages for plaintiffs. These damages can vary from claim to claim, depending on factors like (but not limited to) the nature of: The original claim filed with the insurance company...

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Your Options When Your Insurance Company’s Hail Claim Settlement Seems Unfair

Following a hail storm, you submit a claim to your insurance company and do everything required under your policy to present your claim fully.  You expect your insurance company will take care of you and repair your home, but when...

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Suing an Insurance Company for Bad Faith Claim Practices. How it Works?

Bad faith can occur when an insurance company manufactures reasons not to pay a claim, unreasonably delays the claim process, denies a valid claim for an invalid reason, or underpays a valid claim without reason.  As a profit-driven industry, insurance...

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How Insurance Companies Are Boosting Profits with New Hail Settlement Practices

Insurance companies like all commercial entities are in the business of making a profit.  This comes down to increasing revenue while decreasing expenses.  Some insurance companies will resort to any means necessary to reach profit goals.  The insurance industry works...

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