When Is an Amazon Delivery Driver at Fault for a Crash?
January 22, 2024
Keep an Eye Out for These Signs an Amazon Delivery Driver May Have Caused Your Wreck
Amazon delivery drivers spend a lot of time on Texas’s roads. That alone can raise the risk of these drivers being involved in wrecks — but:
- That’s not the only risk factor Amazon delivery drivers face: These professionals are also under extreme pressure and intense oversight, creating “abusive delivery production demands,” according to industry experts. Sometimes, that means Amazon drivers cut corners with safety.
- Amazon delivery drivers are not liable for all crashes they’re in: They may be at fault for some wrecks, with their delivery service partner (DSP) employer and Amazon also potentially liable. In other cases, however, Amazon delivery drivers may be among the victims and not the liable parties.
To help you figure it all out, get familiar with these red flags that an Amazon delivery driver could’ve caused your accident. If you need a sounding board or a second opinion, talk to an Amazon delivery driver accident lawyer.
5 Signs an Amazon Delivery Driver May Be At Fault for Your Crash
After an Amazon delivery truck accident, there could be some telltale signs that the delivery driver is at least partially to blame for the wreck. Here’s what those signs tend to look like and how you can start to capture some potential evidence of them at the scene of the crash, right after an Amazon delivery truck accident.
1. You were complying with traffic laws and didn’t see the crash coming.
If the collision seemed to come out of nowhere and you were following traffic laws at the time, there’s a good chance another motorist, possibly even the Amazon delivery truck driver, is at least one at-fault party. This can be especially true whenever you are lawfully:
- Making a left-hand turn when you’re T-boned by an Amazon delivery truck
- Stopped at a red light or a stop sign when an Amazon delivery driver rear-ends you
- Parked or parking when an Amazon delivery van or truck sideswipes or rear-ends you
- Traveling at the speed limit, changing lanes, or passing traffic when an Amazon delivery truck hits you.
Remember, Amazon delivery trucks are reportedly outfitted with multi-lens dash cams. So, if you’re able to act fast after the crash, you could get ahold of that dashcam footage from Amazon trucks to see exactly what was happening in the cabin and in front of the truck right before (and during) the collision. That could uncover more or verify your thinking about fault for the wreck.
2. You saw the Amazon delivery truck driver violating traffic laws.
Right before the accident, did you notice the Amazon delivery truck or van driver doing any of the following?
- Running red lights or stop signs
- Failing to yield the right-of-way
- Zigzagging in and out of traffic
- Making illegal or risky stops
- Using a cellphone
- Speeding
If so, there could be ways to verify what you saw through evidence like dashcam footages, eyewitness statements, cellphone records and recordings, and more.
3. An Amazon delivery truck driver says “sorry” right after the wreck.
Apologies don’t always equate to fault, but sometimes, they do. So, if you’re hearing, “I’m sorry,” or “I apologize,” from any motorist after a crash:
- Consider that a warning sign that the driver could be at least one of the at-fault parties.
- Try to get that apology documented in some way, like by making it part of your statement to police after the accident (e.g., telling police that “The Amazon delivery driver came over and said, ‘Sorry,’ after the crash” so that it gets recording in the official police report for the wreck).
4. The Amazon delivery truck driver inadvertently admits something.
After a wreck, the shock and intensity of the moment can have motorists, including Amazon delivery truck drivers, saying more than they probably should, especially when it comes to their misbehaviors right before a crash.
That could mean you hear statements like, but not limited to, the following after an Amazon delivery truck accident:
- I didn’t even see you! Driver distraction can be at play here, with the distracted Amazon driver likely sharing at least some fault.
- I was looking at my GPS or my phone. This is another case of driver distraction, and it can be more common than motorists realize because Amazon drivers have real-time oversight, with every leg of their shift (meaning each stop) planned and tracked.
- I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt, or I wish I were wearing my seatbelt. Some drivers say they don’t buckle up, so they can jump out of delivery vans or trucks faster to drop off packages. With this, it’s not uncommon for Amazon delivery drivers to cut other safety corners, like speeding or making illegal turns, to keep up with quotas.
- I’m working a double shift. These drivers could be exhausted, under pressure to wrap up shifts faster, and more willing to bend safety rules too.
If you hear statements like these coming from the Amazon delivery driver, try to note or record them, so they can be looked into more later.
5. The damage to your vehicle is questionable or “fishy.”
Vehicle damage — on your car and/or an Amazon delivery truck or van — can be very telling when it comes to the:
- Points of impact: Both the location and severity of the damage can start to reveal more about how vehicles collided and how many times they hit other vehicles, road features, and/or trees. If the crash was a rollover, the damage can speak to how many times a vehicle rolled, backing up victims’ memories or clarifying potential gaps in their stories.
- Sequence of events in a crash: Piecing together the points of impact, especially with other evidence, can highlight where vehicles first crashed and what happened after.
With that information, it can be easier to piece together the complex puzzle of fault for an Amazon delivery truck accident.
Can I Sue an Amazon Delivery Driver, a DSP & Amazon?
If you’ve been hurt in a wreck caused by an Amazon delivery driver, you could have the right to sue as long as:
- The filing deadline (statute of limitations) for the case has not passed.
- You haven’t already accepted a settlement from Amazon or their insurance company for the wreck. Please note that cashing a check from these parties could constitute accepting a settlement.
The answer to this question is best answered by an experienced Amazon delivery truck accident lawyer, who can ask you crucial questions about what happened and then share more about your rights and legal options.