When a large corporation or other business has caused widespread harm to a large number of individuals, it is often the best strategy to group together with other victims in order to take effective legal action. This is known as a class action lawsuit, and a lawyer who has experience with this type of litigation can examine your case if you believe that your claim may qualify. When you have suffered burn injuries, asbestos exposure, electrocution or other harm through product liability, you should not delay in getting started on your claim for financial compensation. There may already be a class action that you can join, but if there isn’t, you could also help to lead the way for individuals like you who have been hurt.
A class action lawsuit offers several major advantages over individual personal injury litigation when the defendant is a large corporate entity, with extensive financial resources for legal defense. The dozens or hundreds of claims can be simplified by grouping them together into a single lawsuit. There is also the possible consideration that the expected settlement for each individual plaintiff would be too small to justify legal action, but when a group of plaintiffs brings a claim, they can enforce justice against a business or other entity that is guilty of negligence or a breach of faith.
Class Action Lawsuits
The legal team at Amaro Law Firm has over 22 years of experience representing people like you, and we sincerely care to see that you receive the settlement you deserve. An attorney from our firm will consult with you about your case to determine whether a class action is the best approach for recovering compensation. We will represent you with dedication and compassion, because we believe in helping victims find justice when they have been wronged.