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Uber Accidents

Can Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Insurance Cover Pedestrians?

Yes, pedestrians hurt in crashes can be covered by uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) insurance. They aren’t covered in every situation, however, and there can be several situations, along with pedestrian accidents, in which UM/UIM coverage applies. Here’s a closer look at...

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How Many Car Accidents Occur Each Hour, Day & Year in the U.S.?

Too Many Car Crashes Happen in the U.S. Most Are Preventable. Car accidents are a leading cause of injury and death in the U.S. In fact, at least 7.3 million motor vehicle accidents occur each year across the nation, according...

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Who’s Responsible for a Self-Driving Taxi Crash in Texas?

Self-driving taxis, now on the streets of Austin and Dallas, could soon be operating in Houston, San Antonio, and throughout the Lone Star State. As exciting and revolutionary as that may be, driverless taxis are not immune to traffic violations...

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Self-Driving Vehicles: The Past, Present & Future

Self-Driving Vehicles: The Past, Present & Future Self-driving cars have been on the horizon for years now, with automakers, lawmakers, regulators, and others all working diligently to prepare for a future with driverless vehicles. That raises some complex questions, including:...

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