(713) 352-7975

Attorney Legal Articles

How Do You Determine Liability in a Texas Personal Injury Case?

Determining liability for an accident can require additional investigation and various pieces of evidence. Understanding how fault determinations are made in personal injury cases can be helpful to: Collecting and preserving the right pieces of evidence to support a future...

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Medical Examination Certifications:  What Truckers Should & Should Not Do in These Exams

Truck drivers are required to undergo medical examination certifications (MECs) when applying for commercial drivers’ licenses (CDLs) and every two years thereafter to maintain their CDLs. These MECs are focused on identifying any health issues or impairments that may prevent...

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What to Expect in a Personal Injury Lawsuit in Texas

Knowing what to anticipate in a personal injury claim can be helpful to assuaging concerns about the process while helping victims take the right steps to protect and advance their claims. Although the details and circumstances associated with a given...

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Dashboard Cameras, Telematics Devices & Driver Logs: The Essentials to Protecting Your Truck Accident Case When Injured on the Job

After a truck wreck, it can be difficult for injured truck drivers to know what exactly caused the crash, who is liable and whether they may be entitled to compensation. While various evidence may clarify these issues, the recordings and...

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