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Motorcyclist injured and at fault driver initially denies responsibility

Our client was a motorcyclist on FM 1960 in Houston, Texas when another driver cut him off when he took a left turn in front of him. Our client’s motorcycle hit the passenger side of the left-turning car, and our client flew over the roof of the car. He was knocked unconscious when he struck the ground.

As a result of the collision, our client suffered from fractured ribs, a fractured scapula, a fractured sternum, and nerve damage to his left shoulder that caused him to lose function in that arm that will never fully heal.

The defendant claimed that our client was speeding on his motorcycle and produced two witness statements to support her account. Our motorcycle accident attorneys filed a lawsuit to fight for our severely injured client’s rights.

In litigation, the witnesses flipped their positions once they heard all the facts without the insurance adjuster’s framing. We proved that our client had the green light and right of way, and that there was no evidence that our client was speeding.

After initially denying all liability for the collision, our attorneys were able to secure a substantial and confidential settlement for our injured motorcyclist client.