(713) 352-7975

James Amaro

How to Select the Right Attorney for Your Personal Injury Case

You were just injured in an accident and your friends or family recommend you get an attorney.  But how do you choose the right one?  Finding an attorney you can trust with your case can be an intimidating process.  Here...

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How Insurance Companies Are Boosting Profits with New Hail Settlement Practices

Insurance companies like all commercial entities are in the business of making a profit.  This comes down to increasing revenue while decreasing expenses.  Some insurance companies will resort to any means necessary to reach profit goals.  The insurance industry works...

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How to Value a Personal Injury Case in Texas

Personal injuries can have a significant impact on finances, mental health, and family life. Every injury has a unique set of facts, circumstances, and consequences that make it challenging to assign an exact value of a case.  Experienced personal injury...

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Five Things Personal Injury Attorneys Can Do To Help Car Wreck Victims

Representation following a car wreck can help ease your physical and financial recovery.  If you were in a car wreck and received medical treatment paid by health insurance or it is still owed to a hospital, you may be liable...

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