Houston Autonomous Vehicles & Driverless Cars Lawyer

Innovation has been a driving force in the auto industry more than a century. While various technologies have made vehicles safer and easier to drive, the emergence of the self-driving vehicle is, perhaps, the single most major innovation to take hold of the auto industry since its inception.

Currently, various automakers and other major companies (like Google) are developing and testing autonomous vehicles. While industry experts expect about 10 million self-driving vehicles to be on U.S. roadways by 2020, they have also predicted that, by 2030, about 1 in every 4 cars on the road will be an autonomous vehicle.

It remains to be seen how the advent of autonomous vehicles will impact roadway travel and safety. Regardless, the lawyers at the Amaro Law Firm want you to know that we are here for you, ready to advocate your rights to recovery and justice, if you are harmed by a self-driving car (or any motor vehicle).

Driverless vehicles crash when other motorists are negligence or vehicle equipment fails. After a driverless vehicle wreck, the Amaro Law Firm can help victims get on the road to recovery.

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What is an Autonomous Vehicle and How Does It Work?

Vehicles that are capable of navigating their environment without the assistance of any human intervention are considered autonomous. These self-driving cars sense the road and analyze the world around them in order to navigate safely. However, the way that autonomous vehicles and “smart cars” were designed is reliant on lines in the road and a variety of other factors that are not always present, which can cause serious problems in certain areas of the country.

According to The Society of Automotive Engineers International (SAE), there are six distinct levels of categorization used to define what “self-driving car” means in the context of hands-free automation. These include:

  • Level 0: Drivers are in control of the vehicle and no automation is present.
  • Level 1: Vehicles can help a driver with steering, braking, and accelerating.
  • Level 2: Vehicles can control steering, braking, and accelerating under certain circumstances, but a driver monitors the environment while performing other tasks.
  • Level 3: Vehicles can perform important driving tasks under certain circumstances, but a driver needs to be prepared to take control back if the system requires it.
  • Level 4: Vehicle systems can perform driving tasks and monitor the surrounding environment under certain circumstances and the driver does not need to assist.
  • Level 5: A fully automated vehicle is in control of every aspect of driving itself.

Sensors within the vehicle give autonomous self-driving cars their capability to navigate and analyze their surroundings. These vehicles can use image sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and radar sensors to detect the positions of other cars, curbs, street signs, pedestrians, and more. The future of self-driving cars looks bright, but there are many risks associated with introducing more autonomous vehicles to the road.

Risks Associated with Driverless Cars in Texas
Common Injuries in Texas Autonomous Car Accidents
Find Out More about Your Potential Claim: Contact a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer at the Amaro Law Firm