Although you expect products that you purchase to be safe, the regular use of some products can cause you and your family harm. When you suffer injuries as a result of using a consumer product, you may be entitled to compensation from the product manufacturer and other parties. A Houston defective product lawyer can be crucial to your ability to hold responsible parties accountable for their actions in causing your injuries.
From vehicles to medications to kitchen appliances, no products are immune to design defects, manufacturing problems, and insufficient warning labels. When these products cause injuries to consumers who use them in the manner intended, various parties in the chain of supply and demand can face liability. A committed injury attorney may be able to assess your situation and determine whether you have a viable product liability claim. To learn more, be sure to schedule a consultation today.
Product Liability Claims in Houston
In the simplest terms, product liability law relates to the relationship between a buyer and a seller. The premise of product liability is that the seller is liable for the damage done by its defective products. When a seller puts out a faulty product, that seller violates their trust with the buyer. If the seller knows that their defective product can cause injury or death, the seller effectively puts the buyers in danger. The violation of that trust is the foundation of most product liability cases.
Product liability claims can be a means of holding product manufacturers and related parties accountable when consumers suffer injuries from using products. A defective product lawyer in Houston can be instrumental in helping injured parties navigate these complex legal claims. Various types of product liability claims can lead to liability on the part of the manufacturer and compensation for the injured parties.
Injured consumers may qualify to bring one or more types of product liability claims against the companies that design, manufacture, market, and distribute dangerous or defective consumer goods. These claims case arise from design defects, manufacturing defects, or marketing flaws that fail to warn consumers of potential dangers. Successful product liability claims can result in these companies paying damages for the injuries that their products have caused.
What is a Design Defect Claim?
In some cases, products have design flaws that make them inherently dangerous. To remedy the deficiency, the designers would have to redesign and rebuild the product completely.
What are Manufacturing Defects?
In a manufacturing defect claim, something goes awry in the manufacturing process that alters the design of the product. This alteration results in a defect that makes the product dangerous for consumer use. The error may be unique to one lot or run of the product or may be uniform among all the products that the company manufactured.
What is a Marketing Defect?
Manufacturers most foresee the reasonable uses of their products and determine whether they can cause danger to consumers. If so, they have a legal duty to warn consumers of the potential risks adequately. Warnings usually take the form of warning labels, packaging, and product inserts that explain the extent of the dangers that consumers might encounter when using the product.
Proving Liability in Defective Product Claims
Most personal injury claims rely on a finding of negligence to hold parties liable for the injuries resulting from an accident. Product liability claims, however, do not always have a basis in negligence. Instead, these claims proceed on a theory of strict liability.
Under strict liability, product manufacturers are automatically liable for any harm or injuries that consumers suffer while using their products in some circumstances. Generally, the damages must occur when the consumer uses the product in a reasonably foreseeable manner and its original condition. Strict liability is intended to urge product manufacturers to create and produce only safe consumer products or face significant liability.
A strict liability standard in product liability cases can encourage companies to insist upon stringent testing of their products to avoid harm to consumers. A defective product attorney in Houston may be able to determine whether a strict liability standard applies to a specific case.
Why You Need an Attorney
Manufacturers, retailers, and insurance companies keep attorneys on their payrolls. These attorneys have to defend the interests of their clients. Their mission is to protect their clients’ bottom lines, not to help victims of product liability injuries. If you have suffered an injury from a defective product, you need an experienced attorney on your side. The lawyers at the Amaro Law Firm will stand up to these corporate attorneys and strive to get you the compensation you need.
The attorneys at the Amaro Law Firm handle nearly all types of product liability cases. These cases can also include “mass tort” cases and class-action lawsuits. A few of the cases we’ve worked on include:
- Auto Parts Recalls, including
- Dangerous Drugs
- Defective Guardrails
- Faulty Medical Devices
- Vehicle Recalls, including
Consult a Houston Defective Products Attorney for Advice
Due to the strict liability of manufacturers for the products that they create, consumer products generally have become safer in recent years. Nonetheless, defective products still exist and cause harm to consumers each day. If you have suffered injuries from using a consumer product, a Houston defective products lawyer may be able to assist you.
Product liability cases can be complicated and involve various technical aspects of product manufacturing. As a result, seeking legal counsel for help with product liability claims may be wise. Schedule a consultation to get started on developing a strategy that could render a positive outcome.