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Houston Pharmaceutical Injury Lawyer

When a patient uses medication, whether that medication was prescribed to them by their physician or purchased over the counter, they have the right to expect that the medication will help them heal, not worsen their illness. If you have suffered from the side effects of a prescription or over-the-counter medication, you may be eligible to file a pharmaceutical injury lawsuit.

As with other product liability cases, pharmaceutical injury lawsuits seek to recover damages from manufacturers who sell defective products. Thousands of patients who have been injured by defective pharmaceuticals have sought compensation through the court system. At the Amaro Law Firm, our Houston dangerous drugs lawyers specialize in helping clients who have endured a pharmaceutical injury or illness from their prescribed dosage.

Reasons For Pharmaceutical Injury Lawsuits

A pharmaceutical injury lawsuit has much in common with a typical product liability case. The plaintiff can file a pharmaceutical injury claim if it can be shown that the drug’s manufacturing process made it unsafe, or if the drug’s marketing materials failed to disclose the drug’s potential dangers. Plaintiffs can also file a pharmaceutical injury case if they can show the drug’s dangerous side effects.

Proving A Pharmaceutical Injury Lawsuit Claim

The method of proving a pharmaceutical injury claim is both relatively simple and highly detailed. The simple part involves showing that the plaintiff suffered a pharmaceutical injury due to the defective manufacturing or improper marketing of the drug. The detailed part involves relating the injury directly to the defective drug. Doctors will often advise patients on the side effects involved in taking prescription medication. However, if the manufacturer failed to alert the patient or the doctor to those side effects, the plaintiff may have solid grounds for a pharmaceutical injury lawsuit.

Although all prescription and non-prescription drugs must receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this approval does not guarantee the safety of the drug. For instance, the FDA may permit pharmaceutical companies to “fast-track” specific medicines that are like those already on the market. Unfortunately, this process often results in insufficient drug trials and research about the side effects of taking a specific drug.

When consumers report injuries or side effects from taking dangerous drugs, the FDA will recall drugs from the market. In other cases, drug companies voluntarily will recall drugs to prevent further potential harm to consumers. Whether the manufacturing process contaminated a specific batch of a drug or the drug inherently causes a risk of severe medical conditions, drug manufacturers may be liable for injuries sustained by unsuspecting victims.

The Effects of Taking Dangerous Drugs

As a Houston dangerous drugs lawyer may attest, both prescription and non-prescription drugs may be hazardous in some situations. In the most extreme of circumstances, individuals who take these drugs may experience devastating side effects, irreversible medical conditions, and even death. Some of the most common effects that individuals may sustain as a result of taking dangerous drugs include:

  • Heart attack and stroke
  • Diabetic complications
  • Bleeding and clotting issues
  • Cancer

Any of these conditions can be catastrophic for individuals who expected to experience better health as a result of taking a drug. Instead, taking dangerous drugs may leave them in a worse medical condition than they previously were. They may be permanently disabled and unable to return to their jobs or their regular activities.

Recovery of Damages in Dangerous Drug Claims

Although financial compensation can never help individuals regain their health, it can provide some much-needed financial relief. Holding drug companies accountable in situations such as these also can prevent others from suffering injuries by taking dangerous drugs.

Some of the potential damages that individuals may seek from drug manufacturers can include:

  • Medical treatment or surgical procedures resulting from taking a drug
  • Ongoing medical care for permanent impairments caused by a drug
  • Lost wages when injury or illness makes individuals unable to work
  • Pain and suffering that individuals have experienced from taking a drug

Types of Pharmaceutical Injury Lawsuits

The attorneys at the Amaro Law firm understand the intricacies of pharmaceutical injury cases. We have helped numerous patients get compensation for their problems. Some of our cases have involved defective drugs that have made headlines for the extent of the pharmaceutical injuries they have caused, including:

  • Antidepressants
  • Benzodiazepine (Valium/Xanax)
  • Crestor
  • Drug Recalls
  • Ephedra
  • Fen-Phen
  • Humira
  • Lipitor
  • Ortho Evra
  • Paxil
  • Risperdal
  • SSRI’s
  • Topamax
  • Vioxx
  • Xarelto
  • Yazmin
  • Zofran
  • … and many more.

Why You Need A Pharmaceutical Injury Lawsuit Attorney

When a drug that you depend on to help you heal inflicts a pharmaceutical injury on you, you need all the help you can get. The Houston dangerous drugs lawyers at the Amaro Law Firm can help evaluate your case to determine whether you may be able to claim your medical expenses, lost wages, future earnings, and pain and suffering for your pharmaceutical injury. If the courts determine that the drug manufacturer covered up any potentially dangerous side effects, the courts can award punitive damages.

Injury victims have the right to hold pharmaceutical companies responsible for the dangerous drugs that they produce. When these large corporations fail to live up to their legal obligations to keep consumers safe, they are liable for the costs of those injuries.