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Truck Wreck – 4 Injured Clients
In Dimmit County, four men were traveling on a rural road when an 18 wheeler decided to ignore a stop sign from a side road from an oil gas field and pull in front of them. The driver was unable to stop in time before hitting the 18 wheeler. The men all suffered neck and back injuries in the wreck. A few of the men suffered herniated discs in their backs which required epidural steroid injections (ESIs). At first, the trucking company denied full responsibility, arguing they had enough time to stop and should have been paying better attention. However, the Amaro Law Firm’s investigation determined the truck driver should never have been on the road in the first place as he had multiple DWI’s and other criminal offenses. A lawsuit was filed and a settlement was reach quickly thereafter. The settlement was enough to cover all of their medical bills and included compensation for pain and suffering and physical impairment they suffered and continue to suffer.