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Liability for Failure to Disclose Hurricane Harvey Flood Damage to Homes

Liability for Failure to Disclose Hurricane Harvey Flood Damage to Homes

Liability for Failure to Disclose Hurricane Harvey Flood Damage to Homes

Buying a house can be complicated and stressful enough when you’re dealing with ethical, upfront sellers, agents, and others. When you’re not, you could end up with a hone that’s suffered serious damage from the past. In Texas, this scenario often involves flood damage from Hurricane Harvey, which can leave homes at risk of (or riddled with) dry rot, mold, and other water damage.

When buyers discover undisclosed Harvey flood damage – or any other major undisclosed damage to homes they’ve purchased, they may have legal options for justice and recovery. The following provides more insights about buyers’ legal options in these situations, answering frequently asked questions.

If you need legal advice related to your situation, simply contact a Houston attorney at the Amaro Law Firm. We’re here for you, ready to give you the answers you need so you can get on the path to recovery and justice.

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How Can I Find Out About Possible Undisclosed Harvey Flood Damage to My Home?

Depending on where you’re at in the home buying process, you can:

  • Hire a professional to perform a water damage inspection on a home you’re considering buying or you’re in the process of purchasing
  • Look for a CLUE report online – Prepared by insurance companies (and others), CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange) reports are for properties that have been subject to insurance claims over the last 7 years. If the property was associated with a Hurricane Harvey claim, the CLUE report can be a smoking gun to revealing flood damage.

What Can I Do If Harvey Flood Damage to My Home Was Not Disclosed to Me Before or During the Sale?

Again, it depends on where you are at in the home buying process and, specifically, whether the deal has been finalized and whether money has already changed hands. Here some options:

  • If you’re in the process of buying and the deal has not been finalized, you may be able to back out.
  • If you’ve already signed the paperwork and the money’s in escrow, check the terms of your agreement. Many contain conditions that nullify the deal if undisclosed damage to the home is discovered. Some may require mediation or arbitration.
  • If it’s a done deal, it doesn’t hurt to check the terms of the agreement. It may still offer recourse for resolving the issue. What’s always in your best interest, however, is to consult an experienced attorney who can help you protect your rights and guide you to the recovery and justice you may deserve.

The Amaro Law Firm represents buyers in all types of cases involving undisclosed flood damage to homes. There’s only limited time to file a claim and seek justice, so now’s the time to act and learn more about your legal options if you’ve discovered undisclosed flood damage. You may have a claim for:

  • Fraud
  • Failure to disclose
  • Breach of contract
  • Negligence and negligence misrepresentation.

Who’s Liable for Property Misrepresentation Claims?

The details a particular situation will determine who’s liable for this type of fraud. Generally, liable parties in property misrepresentation cases include (and may not be limited to):

  • Sellers and/or real estate agents if they intentionally did not disclose or they flat-out lied about Harvey flood damage
  • Inspectors if their carelessness, oversights, or inexperience caused them to overlook or fail to report Harvey flood damage

Did You Buy a House Without Knowing It Suffered Harvey Flood Damage? A Houston Personal Injury & Fraud Lawyer at the Amaro Law Firm Can Help You

If you’ve discovered undisclosed flood damage on a home you recently purchased, don’t hesitate to contact an experienced Houston lawyer at the Amaro Law Firm. We’re ready to provide you with helpful answers, clear advice, and exceptional representation in the pursuit of justice and financial recovery.

Call (713) 352-7975 or Email our Firm for Your FREE, No Obligation Consultation

The Amaro Law Firm’s record of outstanding advocacy and success in all property misrepresentation cases has earned us a 5-star rating on Google and Facebook, glowing testimonials from former clients, and a 10 rating on Avvo.