The Texas Insurance Code regulates the behavior of insurance providers across the state. When an insurance carrier commits an insurance code violation, it leaves policy holders vulnerable to high repair bills without any protection. If you suspect that your insurance provider has committed an insurance code violation, you can contact the attorneys at the Amaro Law Firm for help. Our experienced attorneys can guide you through the process of getting the money you deserve for your insurance claim.
Insurance Code Violations – Claim Denials
Insurance providers strive to protect their profits whenever possible. Claims cost the insurers money in assessing the damage, processing the claim forms, and paying out the damages to the policy holder. One method some providers use is to deny claims from policy holders, regardless of the claim’s status. Such broad and unqualified claim denials are among the most egregious insurance code violations. Policy holders who can show that the provider denied a legitimate claim may qualify to file an insurance code violation lawsuit.
Insurance Code Violations – Payment Delays
While some providers may deny claims outright, others may stretch out the claims process. These providers will delay paying out the claim by citing a number of reasons. Some providers may use this tactic for reasons related to their financial reports, while others may attempt to get policy holders to give up on their claim by exhausting the customer’s patience. These attempts to delay claim payments could fall under the category of an insurance code violation. Policy holders who suspect that their providers are delaying payments on claims can contact an insurance code violation attorney to determine if their case qualifies for a lawsuit.
Insurance Code Violations – Policy Cancellation
A provider may also choose to cancel a customer’s policy after that customer files a claim. The provider may consider the customer a high risk and will unilaterally cancel the policy. In some cases, the insurer may choose not to contact the customer, leaving them in the dark regarding their policy’s cancellation. These actions are serious insurance code violations, as they leave the customer with no protection after a claim. An insurance code violation attorney can pursue a case against the provider and pressure them either to reinstate the policy or give the customer a refund.
Insurance Code Violations – Underpayments
The insurer may also issue payments to policy holders that are far less than the full value of their claims. The provider may tell the customer to “take it or leave it” when it comes to an underpaid claim. These insurance code violations leave the customer with thousands of dollars in damage without a way to pay the full amount for the repairs. A knowledgeable insurance code violation attorney can find out why the insurer tried to justify the underpayment and attempt to get the full amount, plus additional damages, from the provider.
Insurance Code Violations – Lawsuit Awards
Plaintiffs in an insurance code violation lawsuit can receive compensation for their repairs, as well as punitive damages. Some insurance code violation lawsuits entitle the plaintiffs to receive punitive damages of up to three times the original award. Awards from these suits can include:
- Contractor estimates
- Construction labor costs
- Building material expenses
- Lost wages
- Relocation costs
- Insurance payment rebates
- … and much more.
Know Your Rights in an Insurance Code Violation Lawsuit
To find out how we can help you with an insurance code violation lawsuit, contact us today at (713) 352-7975. Our friendly staff will ask a few questions about your case and connect you to an attorney who specializes in insurance code violation cases. You can also fill out the “Free Case Evaluation” form at the top of this page.