Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper Recall: 5 Essential Facts to Know
August 28, 2019

More than 4.7 million Fisher-Price cribs have been recalled in the U.S. This recall, issued by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in April 2019, is targeted at Fisher-Price’s Rock ‘n Play Sleepers.1
To help parents and caregivers understand more about the risks of the Rock ‘n Play Sleeper, here are five key facts to know about this recall.
Fact 1: Many infant deaths and injuries have been linked to the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper.
More than 32 infants have reportedly suffered fatal injuries in the Rock ‘n Play Sleeper, and at least 700 others have sustained severe injuries. Some of the serious dangers associated with this portable, inclined sleeping device include the risks of:
- Breathing difficulties and neck injuries: The Rock ‘n Play Sleeper holds infants at a 30˚ angle. This incline can cause babies’ heads and necks to fall into dangerous positions that can injure their fragile necks and cut off their windpipes.
- Suffocation: Fischer-Price’s Rock ‘n Play Sleeper has steep sides and giving restraints. These design features create a risk of babies rolling over and becoming pressed up against the side of the crib—or turning over onto their tummies. In either case, they can suffocate.
In addition to these serious dangers, Fisher-Price’s Rock ‘n Play Sleeper can also put infants at risk of developing plagiocephaly and brachycephaly, also referred to as “flat head syndrome.” This complication, which can result from how the Sleeper holds babies’ heads in a fixed position, can require expensive treatment and physical therapy.
Fact 2: The Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper recall has triggered recalls for other similar products.
In the wake of the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper recall, a number of recalls for similar portable, inclined sleepers have been issued in the U.S. and Canada.2 These recalls have been targeted at the following products:
- Rocking Sleepers made by Kids II: About 694,000 cribs were the subject of this recall.
- Inclined sleeper accessories sold with the Ultra-Lite Day & Night Play Yards by Fisher-Price: This recall covered about 71,000 products.
- Disney Baby Doze and Dream Bassinet and Eddie Bauer Slumber and Soothe Rock Bassinet made by Dorel Juvenile Group USA: About 24,000 cribs were the subject of this recall.3
Caregivers have been urged to immediately stop using these recalled infant sleeping devices.
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Fact 3: Medical experts are supporting this recall and urging caregivers to stop using the “dangerous” Rock ‘n Play Sleeper.
Medical experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have stepped forward to not only back this recall but to also issue important warnings to parents and caregivers.4 Here are just a couple of statements from AAP experts:
The Rock ‘n Play inclined sleeper should be removed from the market immediately. It does not meet the AAP’s recommendations for a safe sleep environment for any baby. Infants should always sleep on their back, on a separate, flat and firm sleep surface without any bumpers or bedding. — Rachel Moon, M.D. and chair of the AAP Task Force on SIDS
This product is dangerous and I urge parents and caregivers to stop using it right away… While this recall is specific to the Rock ’n Play, there are other inclined and padded sleeping products on the market that can put infants’ safety at risk. I am glad to see this product off the market and urge all parents to talk to their pediatricians about how to keep their babies safe during sleep time and any time. — Ben Hoffman, M.D. and chairperson of the AAP’s Council on Injury, Violence, and Poison Prevention
Fact 4: Fisher-Price is offering limited refunds to consumers.
Fisher-Price is offering to refunds to consumers who have purchased the recalled Rock ‘n Play Sleeper within the last six months. Other consumers who have these recalled devices may be eligible for a product voucher from the company, depending on how long they have owned the recalled sleeper.
Consumers can call Fisher-Price at 866-812-6518 to claim their refund or voucher.
Despite this effort to compensate consumers, some advocates are concerned that this offer is inadequate—and that it’s possibly creating some incentive for consumers to keep and continue using the dangerous sleeper.
As Nancy Cowles, the executive director of the consumer nonprofit Kids in Danger, has explained:5
By not fully compensating consumers, Fisher-Price is assuring that many consumers will instead choose to keep the product… Anyone with a Rock ’n Play Sleeper should be given a full refund.
Additionally, Kids in Danger is urging Fisher-Price to extend the refund offer for at least three years and increase the refund amount to create a better incentive for consumers to respond.
Fact 5: There are legal options for holding Fisher-Price accountable for the harm caused by its recalled Rock ‘n Play Sleeper.
Many are now taking action on behalf of injured infants, filing claims against Fisher-Price and its parent company, Mattel. Currently, there are two sets of Rock ‘n Play Sleeper lawsuits (one for those in New York and the other for cases from across the U.S.), alleging that Fisher-Price:
- Knew or should have known about the dangers of the Rock ‘n Play Sleeper
- Failed to warn parents about the inherent risks associated with this product
- Failed to take prompt action to remove this sleeper from the market as soon as there were reports of infant injuries and deaths.
If your child has been hurt in a Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper or a similar inclined sleeper made by another company, you may have legal options for holding Fisher-Price (or another manufacturer) accountable for the harm caused by its dangerous product.
To find out more about your legal options for justice and financial recovery, simply contact the Amaro Law Firm for a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation.
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1: CPSC Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper recall information
2: According to Consumer Reports
3: CPSC Dorel Juvenile Group USA Sleeper recall information
4: AAP statement regarding Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleepers
5: Kids in Danger statement on the Fisher-Price Rock ‘n Play Sleeper recall