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Factors Linking Ovarian Cancer to Talc (Baby Powder) Usage

Linking Ovarian Cancer to TalcIn 2017 alone approximately 22,440 women will receive a new diagnosis of ovarian cancer.  Among women, ovarian cancer ranks as the eighth most common cancer diagnosis, affecting one in seventy-five women.  These staggering numbers though should be lower, according to three St. Louis juries that found Johnson & Johnson’s talcum (baby) powder responsible for increasing the risk of ovarian cancer.  In recent years, thousands more have filed suit alleging Johnson & Johnson knew of the risk its product posed yet refused to warn its consumers.  Here’s how scientists and courts are linking ovarian cancer to talcum powder usage.

For decades, scientific studies have provided conflicting evidence as to the relationship between talc and ovarian cancer. Determining whether or not talc is the cause of ovarian cancer can be difficult. The more factual evidence there is of talc usage, the stronger the likelihood that the ovarian cancer could be a result of talc.

Evidence that will help establish a connection between talcum powder use and ovarian cancer includes: regular use of talcum powder for genital hygiene purposes; regular use for several years; a positive biopsy that shows talc particles and inflammation in the ovaries; and a lack of genetic disorder pre-disposing ovarian cancer.  If these factors are not present, it is much more likely that there could be other factors contributing to, or causing the ovarian cancer.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer after using talcum powder for feminine hygiene, it is important to hold these manufacturers responsible for their negligent actions.  You may be eligible to file a lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson or another manufacturer.  In order to determine if you have a case, contact the Amaro Law Firm’s qualified attorneys today to learn more and schedule a free consultation.