New CO Damage Caps Will Reform Compensation Limits into the Millions & Add Built-In Adjustments for Inflation Nearly 40 years after their debut, wrongful death damage caps in Colorado will soon increase more than eight times, going from $250,000 to...
Regulators Want to Know How Waiting at Shipping & Receiving Docks Affects 18-Wheeler Safety A new federal trucking study will soon get underway, focusing on how detection times for truckers affect driving safety, regulatory compliance, and on-time delivery rates. Officially...
Jury Finds Trucker & Employers Negligent, Letting Amazon Off the Hook. Here’s Why. A 2018 Amazon truck accident that killed a father of three was caused by avoidable negligence that should never happen again. That’s one message a Dallas jury...
As the Age of Truckers Decreases, Crash Risks Spike, Data Shows Teen truck drivers are operating more and more 18-wheelers these days, especially with a new federal program piloting interstate hauls for teen truckers. While that program may offset trucker...