Buckling up can save lives, but too few of the road’s newest motorists in Texas are wearing seatbelts — and too many teens in the Lone Star State aren’t buckled up when deadly wrecks happen. That’s according to the latest report...
Nearly Half of All Super Bowl Traffic Deaths Involve Alcohol, Data Shows Super Bowl Sunday ends in disaster far too often on the roads. In fact, year after year, traffic deaths surge on Super Bowl Sunday. Tragically, driver impairment is...
Car Crashes Are a Leading Cause of Teen Death, Authorities Say Teen drivers are about three times more likely than older motorists to die in fatal motor vehicle wrecks. That’s according to the latest data, which authorities are highlighting as part...
The Rules for Turning in Medians in Texas Involve Some Math Pop quiz: When you’re driving and turning into a median in Texas, what side of the median are you supposed to stay on — the right or the left?...