Traumatic Brain Injury

What’s the Difference Between a TBI and a Head Injury?

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a specific type of head injury involving brain damage. While all TBIs are classified as head injuries, not all head injuries qualify as TBIs. That distinction is crucial because it can clarify: The possible...

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CPSC Moves to Ban Some Pillow Crib Bumpers as Infant Deaths Rise

Safety Experts Have Been Urging the CPSC to Take Action & Ban Dangerous Bumpers Padded crib bumpers must meet several new requirements—and contain new warning labels—or they’ll be banned for sale in the U.S. That’s what regulators at the Consumer...

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Child Passenger Safety Awareness Week Is Sept. 20th to 26th

31% of Children Killed in Fatal Car Crashes in Texas Were Not Properly Restrained at the Time of the Accident Are the kids you drive around properly restrained? Are you sure? You may think a child's car seat or booster...

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Accidental Pool Drownings Are a Leading Cause of Preventable Death for Kids Under 4

Pool & Spa Drownings Have Steadily Increased Since 2015, CPSC Report Reveals More than 2,230 pool accidents involving children under 15 happen each year in the U.S. That’s according to the latest report from officials at the Consumer Product Safety...

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