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3 Common Myths About Traumatic Brain Injuries After Truck Crashes

3 Common Myths About Traumatic Brain Injuries After Truck Crashes

Collisions involving commercial trucks are among the most devastating accidents that a driver can experience. The impact of these large vehicles, combined with high speeds, can cause serious or fatal injuries. Victims who experience these accidents often face a variety of health complications, and one of the most common injuries is damage to the brain. 

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has a life-changing impact on victims and those who look after them. However, it can be difficult to learn more information due to common misconceptions about the early signs of brain injury and how to detect them. Victims of truck accidents, and their loved ones, should be aware of the different myths surrounding traumatic brain injuries to prevent further complications or worsening symptoms. 

Myth: Brain Injuries are Not Dangerous

After experiencing a serious accident, some victims may dismiss their injuries and try to downplay the severity of their pain or discomfort. In other cases, victims may not believe that they could have a traumatic brain injury because they did not hit their head during the accident, causing them to avoid seeking medical help. This delay in treatment can cause long-term damage since many forms of TBI require immediate attention after an accident. 

In truck accidents, traumatic brain injuries can occur even if a victim has not had any direct impact from the collision on that area of the body. Even jostling the brain can cause serious consequences. Some brain injuries that victims experience after a truck accident can lead to paralysis, temporary impairment, and long-term disability. It is necessary to visit a medical professional after an accident with a commercial vehicle.

Myth: Medical Scans are the Only Way to Detect Traumatic Brain Injury

When a victim is involved in a severe accident, especially one involving a commercial truck, they must receive a full-body evaluation by a medical professional. Doctors can provide the victim with information about any damage that occurred as a result of the collision, but there are many instances when injuries from the accident do not appear during brain scans. 

Certain symptoms of traumatic brain injury are less likely to be detected from a medical test but can still indicate significant damage. This might include memory problems, trouble speaking, or changes in behavior. If you are caring for someone who recently experienced a serious truck accident that is showing these symptoms, they must see a medical professional.

Myth: All Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms are the Same

Much in the way that no two truck accidents are the same, traumatic brain injuries can differ drastically depending on the details of the crash. Factors such as bad weather, debris in the road, and whether or not the drivers were wearing seatbelts can all contribute to the severity of the accident. Brain injuries from truck accidents can affect victims in different ways, with one experiencing a concussion while another suffers from a diffuse axonal injury (DAI) that impacts their brain stem. Common symptoms from traumatic brain injuries vary but often include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Memory problems
  • Difficulty concentration
  • Changes in mood
  • Sensory issues
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Paralysis

Some of these symptoms may appear immediately after the truck accident occurs, but many victims do not notice their pain until hours, or sometimes days, after the collision. If someone you are caring for has begun exhibiting any of the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury following a serious truck accident, get them medical care right away.